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November 18, 2010 It's been too quiet around here... Today I decided to live edit the front page of my site just for fun. I've been using HTML5 and CSS-P for every other site I've written in the past two years, and it is starting to annoy me that my personal site (which I have greatly neglected) has a DTD of HTML 4.01 Transitional and is laid out with <table> elements. Please enjoy the broken scenery as I update things. -blendenzo May 13, 2007 I would like to welcome my good friend Matthew Chase of Pure Light Studios to the blendenzo.com team. I helped him out with his stage directing class by acting in a short play, and he is returning the favor by helping me execute the planned transitions to a more interactive and community oriented blendenzo.com. The new site is closer to becoming a reality with every passing moment! I hope you all will enjoy it. -blendenzo May 2, 2007 Ever get that horrible message "Error reading from drive C:"? It seemed like eternity before I could think straight enough to even respond. I hadn't backed anything up, and now my hard drive was dead. Looking for the silver lining some claim is on every cloud, I thought, Well, if nothing else good comes from this, it certainly is the perfect opportunity to switch from Windows to Linux. But then my Linux Live disk stopped working, which led me on a wild goose chase of switching motherboards (I had more than one of the same board lying around), RAM chips, and anything else I could possibly switch.
All this to say: All of my updates and projects have been set back considerably, and acclimating to Linux has taken a few days. I'm resuming most of my projects now, so expect good things to come. As an added bonus, I will be looking for solutions to all of the "Windows only" Blender Game Engine issues. (Hopefully Wine will be able to handle most of them.) -blendenzo Just think what would happen if we did not have a set of rules. People might start putting Qs or Rs on the board. It would be pandemonium. - Ryan Aycock, How to Win at Tic-Tac-Toe , p 4. March 20, 2007 ![]() -blendenzo February 21, 2007 So it's been a while since I've posted any news, but a lot has been happening around here. The Tutorials section is really filling up with useful Game Engine knowledge, and there's so much more that I could add if I had the time. Clean3D just let me know that my Custom Cursors tutorial with script was featured on Blender Nation. Speaking of Clean3D, he and I have been working together for a few months now, and we're finally ready to show some of the progress we've made on our 3D Sokoban clone. Check out the screenshots to the right. Sorry I haven't gotten up all of the tutorials I've promised. I'm working on it as I have time, but life is busy, as I'm sure you all know. Hopefully there will be Scripts and Demos sections in Downloads soon... -blendenzo September 28, 2006 ![]()
-blendenzo September 6, 2006 ![]()
-blendenzo August 3, 2006 There have been a few unannounced changes over the last two months, but nothing major. I'm currently working on a large update, especially the addition of a tutorials section. Should be ready within the next few days. June 8, 2006 I'm adding a few more items to the Blender Library downloads.
May 31, 2006 Well, the problem with the images is fixed, thanks to the very quick tech support of my web host. No major additions for now. I'm working on posting the Battle Balls game (in Games) using the Blender Plugin. For now the link is inactive. Minor appearance updates to site. -blendenzo Hey all, I'm doing a lot of work right now in my limited free time to get this site going and post more Blender Library files at the same time. More is coming in the Victorian Era reproductions series by The Ness. Also, I'm working on more of the materials and textures from NaN off the Blender Texture CD. I'm posting my first world file with this update. It's what I used for the background on the site banner. Enjoy! -blendenzo |
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